DGMRF would like to extend its utmost and sincere gratitude for their extremely generous support to:

Joelle Aknin

Rajesh and Emily Alva

Prince and Princess Pierre and Sylvia d’Aremberg

Glenn and Debbie August

Souleymane Ba

Lorenz and Géraldine Baümer

Johan and Eliane Beckman

Jason Bernhard

Jacques and Katharina Bouhet

Bruno and Helen Bouygues

George Brokaw

Augustin and Stephanie de Buffevent

Carmen Busquets

Benjamin Cassan

Sara Charlton

Josephine de Chazournes

Adriana Cisneros


Bertrand Demole

William Detwiler

Jean-Wilfried Diefenbacher

Edgewater Markets

Sacha Fabert-Maus

Prince and Princess Alex and Patricia Farman-Farmaian

Pia Getty

Sarah de Goldschmidt-Rothschild

Baroness Catherine de Gunzburg

Baron and Baroness Charles and Nathalie de Gunzburg

Baron and Baroness Dimitri and Shawn de Gunzburg

Baron and Baroness Jean and Terry de Gunzburg

Baron and Baroness Gerard and Brooke de Gunzburg

Baron Vivien de Gunzburg

Gunzburg & Co. LLC

Valesca Guerrand-Hermès

Clara Haiat

John and Marie-Christine Heimann

Guillaume Houzé

Anton Katz

Jamie Katz

Shiv and Urvashi Khemka

Katherine Kulig-Tomsovic

Belinda Lai

Patricia Houzé Lemoine

Prince and Princess Alexandre and Astrid
von und zu Liechtenstein

Eloïse Margoline

Gian Matteo Lo Faro

Lorenzo Lorenzotti

Sabrina Marshall

Mauricio Merikanskas

Mark Morehouse

Marc and Mara Hank Moret

William and Clémence von Mueffling

Isabelle Murray

My Tribute Gift Foundation

Richard O’Connell

Prince and Princess Charles-Louis and Ileana d’Orleans

Sonia Porter

Sean Quinn

François and Caroline Reyl

Baron and Baroness David and Olympia de Rothschild

Edmond and Marielle Safra

Sandell Asset Management

Thomas and Ximena Sandell

Alessandro Scarsini

Stephen and Christine Schwarzman

François-Xavier de Seze

Robert Singer

Daryl Skinner

Sophie Smith

Peter Soros

Jeffrey and Susan Stern

Pierre-Olivier and Alexandra Sur

Israël Tannenbaum

Rossana Vergara Lerdo de Tejada

Daniella Turenshine


U.S. Bank – Frontstream

Guilherme and Benjamine Valle

Count Guy de la Tour du Pin Verclause

Ashi and Nita Varia

Gerhard and Elisabeth Walch

Baron and Baroness Gerard and Sylvia de Waldner

Yourcause – PricewaterhouseCoopers

Stylianos and Sofia Zavvos

Zohar Ziv

Jean-David Zorbibe


It is thanks to the extraordinary consistant contribution of donors like William & Clémence von Mueffling and Thomas & Ximena Sandell that people suffering from this orphan and rare incurable blood cancer can have the hope for a better future.

Even though new drugs have been developed and did extend survival rate over the last ten years, no cure has yet been found. Non-profit early stage research is vital to help laboratories and expert clinical teams add and/or create a brand new future pipeline of therapeutics (including by extending the current combination of existing compounds), with the goal to ultimately find new molecules to reach for a cure and if not, to improve life quality and expectancy for patients.

This is especially true in this current difficult economic and social environment which affects innovative research and start-up ideas in particular. Research is increasingly dependent on the kindness, generosity, philanthropy and selflessness of donors like William and Clémence von Mueffling and yourselves.

Mr. de Gunzburg committed to also financing all expenses (direct and indirect) needed by DGRMF to get started and operate (lawyers’ fees, offices, employees, etc.), so that any donation would entirely go straight fully to research.

The de Gunzburg Myeloma Research Foundation (the “DGMRF”) is a non-profit private foundation established in March 2012 under the meaning of section 509(a) of the Code. DGMRF applied for tax-exempt status in May 2012 under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and received its formal tax exempt status from Federal income tax in August 2012. Tax-exempt status having been granted, donations from US, Canadian and Israeli donors are deductible under section 170 of the code for income tax purposes to the extent permitted by the law. DGMRF is also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code. The de Gunzburg Myeloma Research Foundation will exclusively select and finance research programs within hospitals and laboratories in the US only, which have experienced teams and which entities also benefit of the 501(c)(3) non-profit tax deductible status. The de Gunzburg Myeloma Research Foundation hereby also confirms that no goods or services will be provided in consideration for your gift. Upon donation, a formal thank you letter will be sent to the donors to serve as tax deductible receipt.

Thank you so much for your inspiring support of this cause, which will provide real hope and help to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide battling this disease.


Support early stage fundamental research and DGMRF by buying our gear:

  • Hats: $30
  • T-Shirts: $50
  • Umbrella: $70

Please send us your selection with color (for hats), number of items and size (t-shirts) by e-mail at Contact@Gunzburg-Myeloma.org.
Thank you for your support!


For make donations to DGMRF, please either

  • Make checks (to the order of “DGMRF” or “de Gunzburg Myeloma Research Foundation”)
    or Wire Transfers:
    Luis Nunes
    Citibank NA
    460 Park Avenue
    New York NY 10022 – USA

  • For on-line donations, follow the links below:

The Foundation’s Accountants are Marcum.

Website Privacy Policy:

The de Gunzburg Myeloma Research Foundation (“DGMRF”) respects the privacy of each individual who contacts us. We are grateful for your support and the crucial role you play in helping us continue our valuable work. As part of our commitment to safeguarding your privacy we have adopted the online privacy policy outlined below.

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We occasionally send out an e-mail newsletter and direct e-mail communications to individuals on the DGMRF’s mailing list, provided you gave us your information and asked for it, in order to highlight news and information about our organization. All e-newsletters and direct e-mail communications have easy-to-follow unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each e-mail. In addition, you can elect not to receive communications from us by contacting us through any method listed at the bottom of this page.

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Our web-site provides links to other websites where you can find out more about our partners, and other organizations and/or services. Please note that DGMRF is not responsible for the information practices of linked sites. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of each site you visit.


Our website has a number of security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, or alteration of the information under our control. Our computer systems have restricted access limited only to those persons and organizations necessary to its proper functioning. This access applies to all electronic and physical security measures. Our servers are located in a locked, secure environment.

Online donations to DGMRF are collected through partly Authorize.Net and PayPal. Authorize.Net and PayPal use industry-leading secure technologies such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for Authorized.Net to keep highly sensitive data including your credit card information as secure as possible.

Privacy Policy Changes:

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes here. We encourage you to review our privacy policy from time to time.


The de Gunzburg Myeloma Research Foundation (“DGMRF”) was established to finance research programs from and within third parties’ leading medical institutions. The DGMRF is a non-profit private foundation which has tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the United States of Americas’ Internal Revenue Code.

Any information and/or data available on the website of the DGMRF (the “Website”) is accessible to anybody. This Website does not purport to contain all the information (the “Information”) to understand and/or evaluate all of the factors regarding myeloma. Any reader hereof should conduct his/her own investigation and analysis on the disease, including as the case may be, based on the specificities relating to the potential myeloma patient.

The DGMRF has not independently verified the Information contained on the Website. The DGMRF makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the Information or any other written or oral communication transmitted or made available. The DGMRF and their representatives hereby expressly disclaim any and all liability based, in whole or in part, on such Information, including without limitation regarding (a) the quality, accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the Information, and (b) fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall DGMRF be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, exemplary, special, punitive, or consequential damages relating to the use of this Information.