Your very generous contribution will support early-stage medical research to develop novel therapeutics in the field of Myeloma, a rare and incurable blood cancer. Myeloma today affects nearly 200,000 people worldwide per year (including 22,000 people in the US, of which 11,000 die every year) and is likely to continue to increase in prevalence annually for several reasons, including increasing age, exposure to environmental toxins and complex genetic factors. This otherwise deadly disease leaves patients with a median survival of 5-7 years. Even though new drugs have been developed and extended survival rate over the last ten years, no cure has been found. Non-profit early stage research is vital to help laboratories and expert clinical teams to create a future pipeline of therapies with the goal to improve life expectancy for patients, extend the current combination of existing compounds and ultimately find new molecules to reach for a cure. This is especially true in the current difficult economic environment, which affects innovative research and start-up ideas in particular. Research is increasingly dependent on the generosity and philanthropy of donors like yourselves. Thank you so much for your inspiring support of this cause which will provide real hope to those battling this disease.


     The de Gunzburg Myeloma Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) private foundation established in March 2012, and whose tax-exempt status has been applied for in May 2012 and is hence currently pending. Once the tax-exempt status is confirmed, your donation will be deductible for income tax purposes. Regardless, since the de Gunzburg Myeloma Research Foundation will exclusively select and finance research programs within hospitals and laboratories in the US only which have experienced teams and which entities also benefit of the 501(c)(3)non-profit tax deductible status, this will also make your donation tax deductible. The de Gunzburg Myeloma Research Foundation hereby also confirms that no goods or services were provided in consideration for your gift.


     Should you have any questions regarding the de Gunzburg Myeloma Research Foundation, the programs we have selected to support and/or on any other matter, please feel free to call me at +1 (646) 673-5331, fax at +1 (646) 365-3146, please do not hesitate to e-mail us at


     Thank you again very much for your extremely generous and kind donation which will benefit and give hope to tens of thousands people worldwide.



The de Gunzburg Myeloma Research Foundation (“DGMRF”) was established to finance research programs from and within third parties’ leading medical institutions. The DGMRF is a non-profit private foundation which has tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the United States of Americas’ Internal Revenue Code.

Any information and/or data available on the website of the DGMRF (the “Website”) is accessible to anybody. This Website does not purport to contain all the information (the “Information”) to understand and/or evaluate all of the factors regarding myeloma. Any reader hereof should conduct his/her own investigation and analysis on the disease, including as the case may be, based on the specificities relating to the potential myeloma patient.

The DGMRF has not independently verified the Information contained on the Website. The DGMRF makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the Information or any other written or oral communication transmitted or made available. The DGMRF and their representatives hereby expressly disclaim any and all liability based, in whole or in part, on such Information, including without limitation regarding (a) the quality, accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the Information, and (b) fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall DGMRF be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, exemplary, special, punitive, or consequential damages relating to the use of this Information.